Do your part. Kill your local illegal immigrant today!
THis is an Israeli secret agent right here. Fucking coward piece of shit.
She's a woman. She's not meant to be listened to in times of poltical strife. You boomers are fucking retarded my god…..
She's there to look pretty and support her POTUS husband. Why the fuck do you throw your support to this 'royal family' anyway. Mr. Trump works for US. Women are not supposed to do anything more. And trust me they actually want it this way.
Go make some food for your husband cunt.
Fuck that kike. Fuck every kike. He's not on your side stupid goy.
Fuck those kikes.
Fuck Israel. Gas the kikes.
Fucking GOLD. 10/10.
Glass Israel and kill all the jews you know. FUCK ZIONISTS LIKE YOU! Israel did 9/11
Go fuck yourself you inbred piece of shit.
Yea Zionist scumbag jews have to wear diapers whenever they face opposition that isn't a little Palestinian kid throwing stones. Jews are natural cowards. It's time you woke up.