Uhhhhhh guess what guys… shit just got real. They never had the warrants!
Or… they never even showed it to a judge… they never thought she would lose.
This movie will be better than we even know fren.
Their tweet is from tonight…. ?
How the fuck is this not on every channel on TV…OHHH WAIT… forgot what planet I’m on. Well sorry… I missed that… it’s notable as fuck to me what the fuck is going on in this country…
True… but apparently old news tho I am having a reverse Mandela effect with this one. If this has been out… what…. the… fuck.
It is the sauce you brainlet. Back to Readers Digest.
I hope we do moar than tell some chuck to stuff it once trying to save an insurance industry we never should have lost kek
Disappointing… thanks lawfag