You are watching a movie
A movie written in 2007
By Glenn Simpson and Mary jacoby
About Soviet spies helping lobbyists woo Washington
Wall Street Journal April 17 2007
You are watching a movie written by the GPS Fusion owner
In 2007
You are watching a movie
A movie written in 2007
By Glenn Simpson and Mary jacoby
About Soviet spies helping lobbyists woo Washington
Wall Street Journal April 17 2007
You are watching a movie written by the GPS Fusion owner
In 2007
2007 Glenn Simpson tried to be a movie writer.
He failed.
His failed script has been repurposed as opposition research
Chris Steele did not write the dossier
Glenn Simpson did.
In 2007
Nellie our testimony stated she did open research on the Russian mob ties to Trump. Business dealings.
We are watching a Glenn Simpson Production.
FISA supposed to only spy on foreigners
No 4th for them
Now used to spy almost every time on at least 1 American
Must See TV