Hold your open palm over your heart
Breathe down to where you feel it behind your hand
Reease it slowly and comfortably
Repeat until you feel your heart center it will balalance out your electric body rythm and calm you
Hold your open palm over your heart
Breathe down to where you feel it behind your hand
Reease it slowly and comfortably
Repeat until you feel your heart center it will balalance out your electric body rythm and calm you
That is enough to buy an army or two, and invade a country, or control a populace…..
Just sayin', that's about five times moar than you need
How bout no, and here's a green deal for ya sweetie
Work on boosting your body's energy, the electromagnetic power you generate will affect inner stability and outer buffers for things that enter your field
Check out heart math institute may help
Aware of that, but phobia is asymptomatic of physical electrical and chemical Imbalance
Inflammation of the vagus nerve also presents as mental senitivity to minor stimulus
If you're up for a movie, the magic pill will give you a hint of diet effect
There are several YouTube channels concerning vagus nerve Heath, it's relatively new study
Heart math institute gives em info and focus techniques
I've used all these myself stopped full blown panic attackswithin five seconds of presenting (locked lungs, syncopy and panic)