Anonymous ID: 2e4fe6 March 29, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.5974326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4352 >>4399 >>4422 >>4458 >>4461 >>4483 >>4562

This anon went to see 96-year-old mom-anon today at her assisted living facility.


She was eating dinner at the dining room table, sitting in a chair, hearing aids in both ears, smudged eyeglasses resting on her nose that no longer help her progressively worsening macular degeneration, and…


mom had on her God Bless Trump T-shirt with her jeans that I had given her for her birthday.


Mom-anon insisted I take her to early voting because she was adamant that she vote for Trump.


The other residents who live in her facility would always criticize POTUS whenever his name came up and mom kept to herself.


So, there she was today, sitting at the dinner table, proudly wearing her MAGA President Trump shirt and jeans at the age of 96.


The other residents were all being nice to her and seem to have opened their eyes because mom is no longer hiding her admiration & gratitude for our POTUS. She openly loves him and I think she is red-pilling the others.


I'm proud of my mom-anon and I'm proud of my frens here. May God bless our POTUS, Q, all in the administration, all LEOs and all of those having a hard time seeing that things CAN change. One person can make a difference.



Anonymous ID: 2e4fe6 March 29, 2019, 10:47 p.m. No.5974535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know. HE IS GENUINE LOVE. I tune in most of the day all day and watch all his pressers on TV, rallies, etc. I feel like he is family and I feel like I know him so well. Wish everybody could take the time to absorb the greatness & beauty of this man. I hope he knows how much he is loved, respected & appreciated. It's an honor to call him POTUS.

Anonymous ID: 2e4fe6 March 29, 2019, 10:56 p.m. No.5974616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663 >>4840


Some news from earlier, reposting from earlier bread:


Mexico bows to Pres. Trump on 'containment' of illegal aliens

Mexico bowed to President Trump's border security demands by agreeing to set up a Central American illegal alien "containment" belt 2,200 miles south of San Diego.

Mexico's socialist president, Andrés Manuel López-Obrador, known as "AMLO," trumpeted after his huge July victory that he sympathized with migrants suffering from "hunger and poverty." He promised to slash funds dedicated to border control and claimed that he would stand up to any of President Trump's bullying tactics.

AMLO must have been confident that President Trump's hands were tied by the "Russiagate" investigation. He probably assumed that Democrats would either squeeze Trump out of office or continue to emasculate his ability to take major retaliatory actions.

But after Trump was exonerated by the special counsel, AMLO quickly dispatched his interior secretary, Olga Sánchez-Cordero, to meet with U.S. secretary of homeland security Kirstjen Nielsen in Miami on March 27.

Secretary Sánchez offered a Mexican Federal Police and military "containment" belt across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the narrowest part of the country and very close to the southern border with Guatemala. When asked about the breakthrough with Mexico, Secretary Nielsen said: "It's going to be a big change."

President Trump hit Twitter on March 28 with new threats of U.S.-Mexico border closure:

"Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our Country." He added, "They are all talk and no action. Likewise, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have taken our money for years, and do Nothing."

The usually bombastic President López-Obrador sought to calmly reassure the Trump administration that Mexico is now committed to a "very respectful relationship" with the United States to stop immigrant-smuggling. He added: "We are going to do everything we can to help. We don't in any way want a confrontation with the U.S. government."