Anonymous ID: 57878c March 30, 2019, 1:36 a.m. No.5975627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5647

Not sure where to even start with this fucking MORON.

A terror attack is a completely different thing, than a storm caused by nature.

(Can't bomb mother nature, or moblize troops against her, etc)

Also the death toll was 64. Then a super liberal university did a study and said 3,000 more people died in the 6 months after the storm.

So they included old people in nursing homes etc.

The mayor of San Juan refused to distribute any supplies and they had pallets upon pallets of water and food that went unused.

Any deaths after the storm, and after they refused to drive supplies is all on them.

As to the original 64 victims,

people do die in tornados and hurricanes, DUH.

The 3,000 that died on 9/11 were within the same hour/hours of the same day.

The hurricane had 64 people on the day it hit.

It is not even in the same ballpark and a completely ridiculous statement.



'Where was the response': AOC questions why the government went to war after 9/11 but did little after Hurricane Maria, despite 3,000 people being killed in both tragedies on US soil

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is amping up her rhetoric addressing climate change

She compared the government's urgent response to war and conflict to its slow approach to natural disasters such as Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico in 2017

AOC said the U.S. went to war and speedily responded when thousands of lives were lost in 9/11, but didn't react as urgently to the 3,000 dead in Puerto Rico

'Where is our response?' she asked as the crowd roared with applause

She also defended her Green New Deal initiative saying 'we have to mobilize our entire economy around saving ourselves and taking care of this planet.

'In the events of September 11, 2001, thousands of Americans died in the largest terrorist attack on US soil and our national response, whether we agree with it or not, was to go to war in one then eventually two countries,' she said during an 'All In' town hall at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in the Bronx on Friday hosted by MSNBC's Chris Hayes.


Hurricane Maria Caused 2,975 Deaths In Puerto Rico, Independent Study Estimates

Puerto Rico's governor updated the island's official death toll for victims of Hurricane Maria on Tuesday, hours after independent researchers from George Washington University released a study estimating the hurricane caused 2,975 deaths in the six months following the storm.


The researchers' findings had been long-awaited. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló commissioned the independent study in February, after months of public pressure over his administration's failure to adequately count the number of hurricane dead. At the time he commissioned the study, the governor said the research team would have the Puerto Rican government's full cooperation, including access to all mortality data.

As a result of Maria, researchers estimate 22 percent more people died during the six months after the storm than would have had the hurricane not struck. They also said those most likely to have died were poor people and the elderly.

Since December, the government's official hurricane death toll has been stuck at 64.

The George Washington University researchers said their findings are more accurate because they are based on access to government mortality data and death certificates, and account other variables, including the number of people believed to have left Puerto Rico after the hurricane.


'It gets lonely': Being conservative on a liberal campus

What is it like to be a conservative on a liberal college campus in the age of President Trump?


At George Washington University and American University in the nation's capital, conservatives tell the BBC what's changed.


A few comment opinions on how liberal that school is.

George Washington University … Many students are very politically active and are predominantly liberal.

It is so very liberal. If you are even leaning moderately I would think twice about this school. Actually, it is so leftist Communism, Socialism, and even Anarchism are taught and praised in many of its classes.

You only want to come to GW if you want to learn how to control government, economics, and people. And in some cases, not even teach civility at all!!

Anonymous ID: 57878c March 30, 2019, 2:33 a.m. No.5975782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I missed yesterdays the five on fox.

They are playing it right now.