Anonymous ID: 95b121 March 30, 2019, 1 a.m. No.5975504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5516 >>5674 >>5689

moar cheollima




South Korea’s spy agency has admitted it conducted an illicit campaign to influence the country’s 2012 presidential election, mobilising teams of experts in psychological warfare to ensure that the conservative candidate, Park Geun-hye, beat her liberal rival.


An internal investigation by the powerful National Intelligence Service also revealed attempts by its former director and other senior officials to influence voters during parliamentary elections under Park’s predecessor, the hardline rightwinger Lee Myung-bak.


Claims, now confirmed by the service, that it was behind an aggressive online campaign to sway voters is certain to add to public anger towards South Korea’s political system.


south korea had the same playbook



It is more than likely that Cheollima Civil Defense is being pushed into the public consciousness with the intention to involve them in a planned event that will poison North Korea’s relations both with countries they have been improving relations with as well as some of the nations who have previously acted as business partners or clients. The fact that a “transformation computer” which allows Pyongyang to securely communicate with its embassies abroad was stolen in the Spanish embassy raid indicates a possible plan to prevent Kim from working with his foreign service to defuse a future provocation that will be attributed to him. While the ultimate goal of such efforts is regime change, the immediate objective will be to increasingly isolate the DPRK and reduce the list of parties who are willing to work with them and stand in the way of destabilization efforts.



The Joseon Institute’s affiliation with Mustafa A.G. Abushagur, who failed to successfully transition Libya after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, is a strong indication that the groups behind efforts to replace Kim are European rather than American. Libya’s regime change was lead by the United Kingdom, France and other NATO members as part of President Barack Obama’s “leading from behind” approach to foreign politics. Other European nations such as Holland have been directly implicated as supporters of Cheollima Civil Defense by the group themselves. The involvement of European nations as opposed to the United States would explain why Hong Chang made the odd decision to approach the FBI with intelligence for sale instead of a more appropriate agency such as the CIA. Such a mistake would not have been made by an asset already working for American intelligence.



fuckery, cheollima & hong are too connected to actually exist organically

Anonymous ID: 95b121 March 30, 2019, 1:03 a.m. No.5975516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5557 >>5674



Was North Korea’s vital 'transformation computer' taken in raid on Madrid embassy?


By Julian Ryall, Tokyo and James Badcock, Madrid


26 March 2019 • 4:26am


“In a North Korean embassy, the transformation computer is considered more important than human lives and it deciphers telegrams shared between Pyongyang and the embassy overseas”, he said.

North Korea uses a code that is based on pages and words from novels that only the sender and the recipient know, Mr Thae said, making it impossible for Western intelligence agencies to break.

If, however, the program that contains the key to the code can be provided to cryptoanalysts then it would be relatively straightforward to read North Korea’s messages, he said. And if its codes are broken, then North Korea must replace its entire method of communication, which will take time and interfere with its ability to interface with its diplomats.

Anonymous ID: 95b121 March 30, 2019, 1:15 a.m. No.5975557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5583 >>5674



While all foreign embassies share encrypted texts and messages with its government at home, North Korea’s cryptography is of the “anti-Japanese partisan” style, which cannot be deciphered by Western intelligence agencies, Thae added.


The anti-Japanese partisan style was developed by China’s Communist Party during what would become World War II, using pages and words from preselected novels, according to Thae.


The former ambassador also said that if the computer containing the cryptologic program was turned into US Federal Bureau of Investigation, it would be critically harmful to the communist regime. North Korea would have to replace all original files and Pyongyang and overseas North Korean embassies would not be able to cipher communications for a period of time, he said.


This may also be the reason North Korea called in ambassadors from China, Russia and the United Nations to Pyongyang last week to discuss the new negotiating strategy with the US, as they could not discuss the confidential information via telegram.

Anonymous ID: 95b121 March 30, 2019, 1:21 a.m. No.5975583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5595 >>5625 >>5674



It should be noted that South Korean President Moon Jae-in was elected in May 2017 and almost certainly would not tolerate covert action against North Korea by South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS).


“The NIS under Moon would definitely not be involved,” said David Straub, former senior diplomat at the U.S. embassy in Seoul. “The Moon administration’s policy involves appeasement of Pyongyang; this action is the opposite of that.”


Many NIS operatives reportedly have been laid off under Moon, however, and just as retired South Korean military officers are often quite critical of what they see as the government’s current soft line against North Korea, so out-of-work NIS people speak derisively of the trend to ignore or silence them.


Malcontents have reason to criticize the government’s policies. “So many have been ousted, they’re very upset,” says Kim Tae-woo. But might a few want to consider supporting an armed movement against the North? “Theoretically it’s possible, but there is no evidence.”



cheollima is fake & gay

Anonymous ID: 95b121 March 30, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.5975595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5625 >>5674 >>5777


from same daily beast article….


Lee questions, however, whether the CIA would have planned the operation, reasoning, “For the CIA to commit such a brazen act—and almost get caught in the middle of it—and undermine Trump's leverage would have been tantamount to treason.”

Anonymous ID: 95b121 March 30, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.5975712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5757


unless they started the switch before the first meeting, when the drops were about cell phones, satellites going offline & clean comms.


this may be the signal the new system is up, it also exposed 4 nations that are actively working to overthrow un & placed the spotlight on adrian hong as an intelligence asset.

Anonymous ID: 95b121 March 30, 2019, 2:15 a.m. No.5975738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5747

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on whether White House officials followed appropriate procedures for safeguarding the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson and how they responded to the leak of her identity once it occurred.


from john brennan wiki


Brennan became deputy executive director of the CIA in March 2001.He was director of the newly created Terrorist Threat Integration Center from 2003 to 2004, an office that sifted through and compiled information for President Bush's daily top secret intelligence briefings and employed the services of analysts from a dozen U.S. agencies and entities



george tenet wiki


He officially left on July 11, exactly seven years after being appointed by Clinton. Former DCI Stansfield Turner said, "I think the president feels he's in enough trouble that he's got to begin to cast some of the blame for the morass that we are in in Iraq on to somebody else and this was one subtle way to do it." However, Bush voiced support for Tenet's efforts, stating, "I'm sorry he's leaving. He's done a superb job on behalf of the American people."


James Pavitt, his Deputy Director for Operations at the CIA, announced his resignation the following day. That led to speculation that the exit of both senior intelligence officials was related to the controversy over the September 11 attacks, alleged Iraqi WMDs, and the decision to go to war with Iraq


smells like brennan used plume to take down cia leadership under bush