Anonymous ID: 1b0998 March 30, 2019, 5:05 a.m. No.5976395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Theresa May Reportedly Planning To Bring Brexit Plan Back For Unprecedented 4th Vote

(fourth time a charm?)


The withdrawal agreement that Prime Minister Theresa May negotiated with the EU27 is the deal that refuses to die. Despite being thrice rejected by the Commons - two of those defeats by historic margins - the prime minister is reportedly planning to bring the deal - which many declared "dead" on Friday - back for a fourth vote next week, as the European Union hints that it won't allow another extension of Article 50.


If what would be the fourth vote on the deal fails, May would try calling another general election, even as some members of her own cabinet have reportedly opposed the idea and said she would need to resign before going to the country again. Of course, last time May called a general election in summer of 2017, it didn't end so well. While May had hoped it would strengthen her hand in talks with Europe, the conservatives ended up losing their majority in the Commons, and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn - once derided as an ineffectual Communist - emerged as a credible threat to the rival Tories.

In the hours since her deal was defeated by a margin of 58 votes, which, though not ideal, was a major improvement over the 149-vote margin of defeat from the second vote, unconfirmed rumors about where May's government might go from here have flooded the British press.

Rumors have included a "runoff" vote between May's deal and the most popular option from the indicative vote earlier this week (which would be a 'softer' deal where the UK stays in the Customs Union), to a general election, to a request for another short-term delay of Article 50. But European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said the bloc was leaning toward a 'no deal' Brexit.


Faced with the imminent prospect of a general election, May and her aides believe more Brexiteers would decide to back her deal, Buzzfeed reports. May hinted at a general vote during remarks after the deal's defeat.

Anonymous ID: 1b0998 March 30, 2019, 5:11 a.m. No.5976420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hearst in particular. Managed to get rid of hemp at the same time-or at least start that process of removing it from the public consciousness. When you own the largest publishing empire (at the time) you can dictate what type of paper your product is printed on.