Anonymous ID: afae6b March 30, 2019, 2:55 a.m. No.5975850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5970 >>6223



“A nation can survive its fools,

and even the ambitious. But it

cannot survive treason from


An enemy at the gates is

less formidable, for he is known

and carries his banner openly.

But the traitor moves amongst

those within the gate freely, his

sly whispers rustling through all

the alleys, heard in the very halls

of government itself. For the

traitor appears not a traitor; he

speaks in accents familiar to his

victims, and he wears their face

and their arguments, he appeals

to the baseness that lies deep in

the hearts of all men. He rots the

soul of a nation, he works secretly

and unknown in the night to

undermine the pillars of the city,

he infects the body politic so that

it can no longer resist. A murderer

is less to fear. The traitor is the


-Marcus Tullius Cicero


Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum


None Dare Call It Treason: President Trump Must Fight Fire With Fire And Hold The 'Coup D'Etat' Leaders Responsible For Their Crimes Against America


  • With Others Watching, Justice Against The Coup Plotters Is Absolutely Necessary For Reasons Of National Security.


“Attorney General William Barr should aggressively investigate, indict, and imprison leaders of the attempted coup d’etat who served and are serving in the FBI, DOJ, Intelligence Community, and Democratic Party.”


"Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason? Why, if treason doth prosper. None dare call it treason." –Sir John Harrington (1561-1612)


“Conservatives should not be applauding the Mueller Report for finding no collusion with Russia by President Trump during his election campaign or after. The Mueller investigation itself was never legitimate. It was part of a conspiracy by the Obama administration, the Democratic Party, and their minions in the FBI and Justice Department against Mr. Trump, his allies, voters, and the Constitution. Any intelligent person, not wholly blinded by fanatical anti-Trump partisanship, should have understood all along that the Mueller investigation, a stacked deck, staffed with highly partisan activist Democratic lawyers, was biased and bogus.”


“Any intelligent person, not rendered insane by anti-Trump hatred, should have understood all along that vociferous accusations by Democrats and the liberal mainstream media that President Trump colluded with Russia to win election — that President Trump is a traitor — was and is utter nonsense. Indeed, these false accusations against President Trump, that seek to delegitimize his administration and cancel the ballots cast by Trump voters, is the real act of treason.”