"We're the good parasites". Really? What is good about these traitors?
Lenin, Stalin, Beriya, Jacob Schff, Rothschilds, Soros, Rosenstein, Yates, Strozk, Page, Weissmann, Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Blumenthal, Jarret, Schiff, etc.
"We're the good parasites". Really? What is good about these traitors?
Lenin, Stalin, Beriya, Jacob Schff, Rothschilds, Soros, Rosenstein, Yates, Strozk, Page, Weissmann, Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Blumenthal, Jarret, Schiff, etc.
DA, Jarret & Strzok are BOTH Turkic Khazars = Fake Semites
DA, The Bible is a masterful mathematical work:
(1) You know nothing about the Bible
(2) You suck at Maths
(3) Both