Anonymous ID: 543c21 March 30, 2019, 5:46 a.m. No.5976687   🗄️.is 🔗kun

who is that?

is he gay?

he's coming out of the closet and he

works at a the Q house?


I don't know who Q is but

if he's gay or not shouldn't matter.


the preceeding is bait

Anonymous ID: 543c21 March 30, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.5976953   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if you know who

runs this effort

you'd know that

you need to let go

of being 'pissed' about

notables or

who is against us.

and why and what they do.

just remove your emotions from it.

not syaing you should nave those emotions.

I'm saying you can express them, and then

store them elsewhere.


who ever 'doug' is (i assume the ( y o u ) in facebook guy?

someone from the team,

who is tasked with it

will most likely access that persons


and anon have already done enough

to show the world that this guy

is questionable, and clearly an anti-Q shill.


that being said dont' beat yourself up.

the guys a jerk, clearly.

the method of drawing out the

desired response to smear someone

is very old.

by dwelling on this idiot

you risk being drawn out . . .

consider your mistake a learning experience,

and move on.

Anonymous ID: 543c21 March 30, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.5977039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045


students who spoke a tonal langauge

were called out for cheating by

'humming' durring exams.

and were made to sit far away from each other

so they could cheat. that was 30 years ago.

so many who are 'PHD's are frauds!