YIKES…yes notable as it is an
"ALL AMERICAN APPLE PIE" baseball guy.
Good convo starter for redpilss for sure.
YIKES…yes notable as it is an
"ALL AMERICAN APPLE PIE" baseball guy.
Good convo starter for redpilss for sure.
>> 5976609
Very notable as Former World Series MVP John Wetteland Indicted On Child Sex Charges. Authorities said Wetteland forced a young relative to perform a sex act on him starting in 2004 when the child was four.
YIKES…yes notable as it is an
"ALL AMERICAN APPLE PIE" baseball guy.
Good convo starter for redpills about the topic for sure.
agree….eye witnessess…and still spoken of this very day.
YOU will never get rid of TRUTH…….Jesus wins…….we are proof……..him talking to you right now…..my fingers typing to you right now HIM……through me……HIS Holy Spirit working in and through the Body Of Christ. Those of us who have eyes to see and ears to hear…..
WOE to you.
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Luke 1:45-49
i saw that earlier and holy fuQ it is BAD
that cracked me up
do one with one these guys: Never happen but would be funny if they flipped:
easy…..just think of a phrase or word and biblegateway search. I use it for so much. Just use Google also
believe + biblegateway
it will get you there.
great site, audio also.
Touch everything and the dropdown arrows
Look now, as I selected the translations I want to compare, you can use the ones you like.
and the audio:
Hope that helps.
2002 for me / new birth.
for you:
easy…..just think of a phrase or word and biblegateway search. I use it for so much. Just use Google also
believe + biblegateway
it will get you there.
great site, audio also.
Touch everything and the dropdown arrows
Look now, as I selected the translations I want to compare, you can use the ones you like.
and the audio:
Hope that helps.
2002 for me / new birth.
keyword: study
key word: born again
click on everything on the site and use it all.
yep, like speed reading kicks in
no one said all of the jews…….you must be a newfag or a shill.
This really helped me when I was new. I don't even know how I first found it. I just listened and compared to my bible in my own hands. I still listen to some that really hit me.
By myself, with God alone. I included HIM in any thing I read or listen to FIRST.
Scroll down and look/listen to all of the teachings. It will challenge you and make you very strong in your faith.
Either Gods word is true or a lie, you have to choose.
Pray before you listen, ask The Lord to open your ears to HIS truth and filter out lies or anything that steers you away from HIM: Be still and listen for HIM:
Scroll down for all the audio and then look at all the video and archives: