I will be posting this everytime I come here because I deem it important
I have a problem with your post because it is vague enough to not name a specific subject directly, but obviously also applicable about the posts about the Jewish Question.
Now, the Jewish Question is very related to Q research and I personally post the same text a lot of time, I make use of pasta, I never hid that fact, and I have a good reason for it which is: Jewish/Israel censorship efforts shutdown discussion of Jewish/Israeli subversion EVERYWHERE, and this being the only true free-speech platform with the biggest audience, this is the only way to counter said Jewish/Israeli censorship efforts.
The posts I make are not hateful, unless you hate the truth, and some threads I go over 15 posts because if I don't counter the Israeli Hasbara shills, they poison the well with half-truths in a effort to counter the facts I post.
The fact that Jewish/Israeli subversion issue is so important to what is happening in the West and the fact that shills constantly try to label the FACTS I post hateful is why I think your post is a defense of Jewish subversion.
Of course some shills spam the board with shit that doesn't help redpill newfags on the JQ (those are the ones saying shit like "gas all the kikes" and things along that line), but the fact that you don't address that fact for the newfags makes me believe your post was created to try to dissuade people from looking into it.
>>5966583 (lb)
I was only bothered to write a reply to the post you were replying to because your post got a (you) from Q. You said that shills would attack the post, I attacked it presenting my logic, I would like to know if you consider me a shill for what I have said. When you say that people should take into account ALL Q DROPS, it makes me think that the people who mostly use parts of Q posts to push their obvious attempt at controlling the narrative are the Israeli Hasbara shills, who can't help themselves to try and label everyone that makes legitimate criticism on Israel, Judaism or Jewish collective power as "divisionfags".