Balding hed seals the deal. Not the same guy.
Yup. Gohmert knows Mueller is corrupt.
stop femfagging.
Does your face match your feet?
He's not wrong.
I couldn't agree moar. I listened to that segment with Levin last night. Really makes me wonder if it will ever end, as Q indicates it will. All in the name of NATSEC.
> but who there in those halls will do so?
Who indeed. Without MAJOR reforms in all 3 branches, this will be just another 4 yr election.
bitches like you are the reason we have a no femfagging policy. Now you are getting all the attention you desire. GFYS
> all bullshit used to maintain a grip against the people. The government lies more than the press does.
All true. DoD is biggest threat of all.
Trump should have closed the border and ended funding to those countries last time when he threatened to. At this point, it is just empty rhetoric and as Rush says, closing the border will get him re-elected. All his talk has been empty to this point. Very sad.
With lifetime appointments, you think this country is going to get on the right track anytime soon?
uhh…try looking at the research done into Gorka's corruption. Then trust yourself.
Jr likely doesn't know about Gorka. He's blinded by the fact that Gorka is a staunch Trump supported. Maybe that's all he wants to see. Truth about Gorka will come out. IRS has been alerted to his shenanigans.