Thank you anon for this meme
I’m so proud of GEORGIA house and Senate standing up for the unborn with passing the “Fetal heartbeat bill” yesterday. I truly think this crass justifying killing babies even after birth is gonna backfire big time next election
Watch: Democrats Block Bill to Protect Babies Who Survive Abortion from Infanticide for 22nd Time
29 Mar 2019
Republican Rep. Lance Gooden of Texas asked for unanimous consent Wednesday for the House to consider a vote on the Born-Alive legislation that would protect babies who survive abortion.
For the 22nd time, House Democrats rejected a vote on H.R. 962, a bill that would require an infant who is born alive following an attempted abortion to receive the same form of prompt transfer to a hospital and medical attention any other child would be given.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, a Republican from Louisiana, and Republican Rep. Ann Wagner of Missouri introduced the bill on February 6 and Scalia intends to file a discharge petition that may be signed by other House members when it becomes active on April 2 if no action is taken by Democrat leaders. When a majority of members sign onto the discharge petition, it will force a vote on the Born-Alive legislation
“This is the 24th time in total that Congressional Democrats thwarted an attempt by Republicans to vote on a bill that would provide medical care and treatment for babies who provide survived failed abortions — 22 times in the House and twice in the Senate,” observed pro-life media LifeNews.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said in a statement that “providing health care to babies born alive is an issue that should receive unanimous support, regardless of your position on abortion.”
“By continuing to block this commonsense legislation, Democratic leadership in the House is essentially giving the green light to infanticide,” he added. “There is no practice more barbaric than killing babies that could survive if given care.”