Thanks fellow lawfag. Accurate summary info is scarce, especially on what the law actually is.
I took that as Levin criticizing the press for claiming Trump was anti-1st amendment, while ignoring the actions of THEIR presidents.
Presidents Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR censored and jailed reporters. Trump isn't doing that. He's just smack talking them for being liars, which they are.
He, like Limbaugh and all the rest, is a mixed bag. Levin lied his ass off about SCOTUS Rogers v. Bellie (naturalized citizen) case to protect cubanadian Cruz's candidacy, and Levin is exceptionally thin-skinned. But he's more often a clear thinker, and at least he make direct, specific, checkable assertions. Anybody who know how and has the time can check his accuracy.
He is right that presidents have used the power of the government against political opponents as a matter of routine, for a long time.