CPS and Child Endangerment [legalized kidnapping]
How many children will be kidnapped by the government!?!! This is much worse in other countries but it has been increasing in the US & Not reported. Its a form a censorship and punishment for anyone who goes against the grain as well as a way to get money to legitimize their org.
Don't like the Gov? Dont want /refuse cancer treatment for your child? want to cure cancer the Holistic way?Dont want your child vaccinated?
Then ((((They)))) will find an excuse to steal your child & put them in child pedophile services
Potus, i know you wouldn't want anyone to raid your house, steal Baron because you didn't give him a flu/vaccine shot. Do these actions require such devastation to the family and welfare to the child? Wouldnt it be better to provide other information/sources then to rip the child away? this type of "protection " is abuse of power
there HAS TO BE another way and if you dont have one THAN WE MAKE ONE WE FIND ONE
a better way to handle these problems than to create havoc, heartache, & trama
You want anarchy? ^^ Shit like this is what causes good people to distrust their gov & falsely accept bad ones. A Republic with its constitutes in a state of helplessness & cornered, is no longer a Republic but a threat to the fabric of the Country.
When ppl are struggling to maintain their jobs, hold their relationships together, and feel like they cant win … and then the gov steals their babies, that is a recipe for disaster.