Anonymous ID: 02f2cb March 30, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.5979036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9128 >>9176 >>9427

>>5978153 pb, >>5978184 lb

>The shit fest with Ilham Omar is also being wonderfully capitalized by Trump to both fuck Israel and the Dem party.

>Wow. This is exactly whats going on.



>>5978241 lb

>the "Trump is a Zionist" talk is ramping up and they make a pretty good case

Which is another reason, IMO, Q/POTUS came to /pol/. By declaring for the chans first, and building proof after proof of The Plan, it would give enough of us faith in this phase of it that we wouldn't all sperg out and jump ship that we'd been had. Even tho many on the alt right are doing just that. 6 gorillion D chess is easy to make fun of, but Mil Intel really has been planning this for decades. The JQ is a gargantuan problem, the most dangerous of the animals we have to fight, there's no way we'd succeed without some Art of War deception and strategy going on. The euphoria of 2016 came from a small battle in a much bigger war. It's sucked to have to go back into the trenches, we wanted that win to be THE win. But hey, the kind of winning we have in store will make it all worth it. Q came here to help us see that, too.


I've posted b4 that I contracted for defense years ago, and was given a skeleton of the Q plan. These guys were aware of the JQ. I can't prove that part, but it gives me that much more confidence that the Muh Israel stuff is just a step toward fixing the problem, not obeisance to it. I don't know whether the recent alt right defection from supporting Trump is just failure to see the big picture or (((planned oppo))) but those of us here that have been following Q know he put MOS at the top of the pyramid for a reason. So hang in there, follow Q/POTUS's lead in pacing and messaging, and never forget: God wins in the end.

Anonymous ID: 02f2cb March 30, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.5979508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Among DC patriots, no one is under any illusions of being 'PC' or 'nice' about this.

>there isn't really much 'defection', though the SHIT tier stupid "yanggang" bullshit was lol'd out of existence many days ago.

Two pieces of very good news.

The TRS/DS crew delivered a blow.

Next-level AJ BTFO kek