Anonymous ID: 72114b March 30, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.5979098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elton John - Funeral for a Friend / Love Lies Bleeding


"Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding" is the opening song on the double album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John. The first part, "Funeral for a Friend", is an instrumental created by John while thinking of what kind of music he would like at his funeral.[1] This first half segues into "Love Lies Bleeding."

Anonymous ID: 72114b March 30, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.5979137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Using AI to Build Better Human-Machine Teams

Program seeks to demonstrate the basic machine social skills needed to generate effective human-machine collaborations


The inability of artificial intelligence (AI) to represent and model human partners is the single biggest challenge preventing effective human-machine teaming today. Current AI agents are able to respond to commands and follow through on instructions that are within their training, but are unable to understand intentions, expectations, emotions, and other aspects of social intelligence that are inherent to their human counterparts. This lack of understanding stymies efforts to create safe, efficient, and productive human-machine collaboration.


“As humans, we are able to infer unobservable states, such as situational beliefs and goals, and use those to predict the subsequent actions, reactions, or needs of another individual,” said Dr. Joshua Elliott, a program manager in DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I2O). “Machines need to be able to do the same if we expect them to collaborate with us in a useful and effective way or serve as trusted members of a team.”


Teaching machines social intelligence however is no small feat. Humans intuitively build mental models of the world around them that include approximations of the mental models of other humans – a skill called Theory of Mind (ToM). Humans use their ToM skill to infer the mental states of their teammates from observed actions and context, and are able to predict future actions based on those inferences. These models are built on each individual’s existing sets of experiences, observations, and beliefs. Within a team setting, humans build shared mental models by aligning around key aspects of their environment, team, and strategies. ToM and shared mental models are key elements of human social intelligence that work together to enable effective human collaboration.


DARPA’s Artificial Social Intelligence for Successful Teams (ASIST) program seeks to develop foundational AI theory and systems that demonstrate the basic machine social skills necessary to facilitate effective machine-human collaboration. ASIST aims to create AI agents that demonstrate a Machine ToM, as well as the ability to participate effectively in a team by observing and understanding their environment and human partners, developing useful context-aware actions, and executing those actions at appropriate times

Anonymous ID: 72114b March 30, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.5979244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Gustuff Android malware targets cryptocurrency & messaging apps


Gustuff Android malware from Russia with love.


Group-IB, a cybersecurity firm, has discovered a new breed of Trojan horse malware called Gustuff, which specifically targets Android phones to steal banking credentials and digital assets of users. The malware targets customers of cryptocurrency exchanges and mainstream international banks.


As per the analysis of Group-IB, the malware is equipped with a unique, automated function that can distribute mass infections to earn maximum profit for the attackers. This malware has been around for one year but this is the very first time that this malware has been identified and evaluated by a cybersecurity firm.


Unsurprisingly, cybercriminals are trying to use Gustuff at the best of their ability. In the past one year during which the malware has been active, it has been updated repeatedly and has now become quite s a sophisticated piece of malware in terms of attack tactics, features, and capabilities. It has now become quite similar to notorious malware like LokiBot, Exobot, Anubis, Red Alert, and BankBot, etc.

Anonymous ID: 72114b March 30, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.5979386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9454 >>9504 >>9606 >>9632

Ukraine gears up to hold tight presidential election


Sunday's poll will test the incumbent president for the first time since he came to power on a revolutionary wave.


Kiev, Ukraine - Voters in Ukraine will on Sunday cast their ballots to choose their sixth president, in the first test for incumbent Petro Poroshenko since he entered the top office in 2014 on the wave of the so-called Revolution of Dignity.


About 35 million people are eligible to vote, but several million of them in the Russian-annexed Crimea and the rebel-held parts of eastern Ukraine are unable or unwilling to cast their ballots.


Polls on Sunday will open at 8am (06:00 GMT) and close at 8pm (18:00 GMT). An early count is expected on Monday. If none of the candidates secures 50 percent of the vote, a runoff between the top two candidates will take place on April 21.

Anonymous ID: 72114b March 30, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.5979643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9678


You are being watched: Many apps can still track you, even if you turn off location services


(Natural News) Mobile phones, particularly of the smart variety, often come equipped with location tracking sensors that are used mainly for on-device navigation. These sensors enable phones to make full use of apps meant for maps, ride-sharing, and even simple web browsing, so most users tend leave them on all the time as they are often used.


However, since these location sensors can give away a user’s exact location at any given moment – provided that the signal strength is good enough – some users opt to turn the location trackers on their devices off to avoid being spied on. Now, a group of researchers has revealed that it’s still possible to keep tracking a user’s location even if their device’s location sensors have all been turned off.


Typically, smartphones and other smart devices are equipped with GPS antennas, which are used in conjunction with a bunch of other sensors that make up its communications interfaces. While most location-centric actions make use of the built-in GPS in phones and other smart devices nowadays, other sensors like accelerometers and gyroscopes can be tapped to give away info on a user’s location as well, said the researchers.