Anonymous ID: 813bc2 March 30, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.5978928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8961 >>8982 >>9008 >>9014 >>9050 >>9061 >>9069 >>9126 >>9167 >>9219 >>9274 >>9454 >>9504 >>9606 >>9621 >>9632


Years of Mark Zuckerberg's old Facebook posts have vanished. The company says it 'mistakenly deleted' them.

" Old Facebook posts by Mark Zuckerberg have disappeared — obscuring details about core moments in Facebook's history.


On multiple occassions, years-old public posts made by the 34-year-old billionaire chief executive that were previously public and reported on by news outlets at the time have since vanished, Business Insider has found. That includes all of the posts he made during 2007 and 2008.


Reached for comment, a Facebook spokesperson said the posts were "mistakenly deleted" due to "technical errors." "


The top (((shill))) has begun publicly scrubbing his kikebook posts. What gives? Nothing works?

Anonymous ID: 813bc2 March 30, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.5978990   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reminder: we know (((you))) were the ones self-owning with literally showing anons you were (you)'d jidf and trying to tie yourself to Q drop.

Literally proving your clown character word by word according to Q drop that (((you))) mistakenly believed gave you 'jews' legitimacy.



Anonymous ID: 813bc2 March 30, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.5979354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9371


Holy shit.

you fucking (((msm))) jews have really lost the narrative KEK

No really, starting to sound like AOC right now.

"they all mad cuz imma jewwww"

"they all mad cuz imma journalist"

"they all mad cuz they are racist"

"they all mad cuz cuz cuz etc"


Your days are over.

You couldn't even get your narrative to stay up for a fucking 1 day even after being Q'd (after which (((you))) went straight about proving him right KEK).



DEADER than the fucking kike moses's corpse.

Anonymous ID: 813bc2 March 30, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.5979427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9508


well said.

>These guys were aware of the JQ.

you have no idea. Among DC patriots, no one is under any illusions of being 'PC' or 'nice' about this. muslims, and jews. targets.

Foreign hostiles.


>alt right 'defection'

there isn't really much 'defection', though the SHIT tier stupid "yanggang" bullshit was lol'd out of existence many days ago. (((They))) can't meme.

just too many (((shills))) on /pol half chan and 8ch spamming obvious msm breads.