Anonymous ID: a9b031 March 30, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.5979062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9166 >>9180 >>9376 >>9400 >>9426 >>9431 >>9504 >>9606 >>9632

Evil to the core.


Psychopath Evangeline Lilly's book "Squickerwonkers" is grooming kids for Satanic Ritual Abuse.


In this video, she puts a young boy up on the altar, gives snake oil sales pitch for this organization:


then does a dramatic (sick and twisted) reading of her book to young children, glorifying the Devil, torture, and pedophilia, with a special sick message to the kids at the end telling them they all have the devil inside of them.


Here is the cover artwork showing sick abused puppet girl with the image of a serpent on a rock between her legs about to defile her, and a serpent fire demon with his tongue going down her throat and attaching to her "sacral chakra"


This is like the ultimate exposé and confession of how they run their sick operations. They are peddling this sick and evil mind control to children for a profit.


Here she talks about how the series "had to be" 18 books, emphasizing that it HAD to be, and couldn't be any other number. These people are evil to the core.


(Her Twitter page is filled with satanic messaging)


And in case there is any doubt left, she plays the mother of the antichrist in this Universal/Mandalay/Netflix collaboration:


Please God, please Jesus, please President Trump, please Q, please Patriots, please help to expose and cast out this vileness. These people need to be stopped!


Need more digs into these book organizations for the underprivileged. They are trying to plant the seed for future generations.

Anonymous ID: a9b031 March 30, 2019, 10 a.m. No.5979180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9364 >>9393



Merciful, Heavenly Father, please protect us, our children, and all future generations from this evil mind control and abuse. Please send your Holy Spirit to surround this Earth to remove and cast out the scourge of evil that has taken root around the world. We ask that you blaze your Holy Spirit through all societies on Earth, consuming and dissolving all sinister forces everywhere. May you flood the hearts and minds of humanity with your Love, your Wisdom, and your Grace, that we may forever glorify Your name. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Thank You Jesus, Thank You God.



Anonymous ID: a9b031 March 30, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.5979595   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah, how much more blatant can they be? Sickening. And sickening that people worship these evil idols. People need to start exposing these very real evils that are happening in our world.