Anonymous ID: bb1693 March 30, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.5979042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9088

If you think the democrats are going to give up and back away you have another thing coming.

Once democrats get power they will go full force after you, eroding whats left of personal liberty.

Democrats will use the legalese system to take your life, children, and guns, as they already do it now.

Once they have power, everyone will bow to there movement of power, and say things like, "we need to obey the rule of law."

Once the democrats have power, they will not ABIDE by the rule of law.

The republicans will tell you to take a knife to a gun fight.


These are the last 8 years, the United States has left.

Get ready, prepare, because once they are in power again there is no stopping their evil.

It will be too late to do anything.


Money, taxes and death are the only things that are real.

I am so tired of illusions, the great deception has us thinking we are free, but we are legalese slaves.

The nation and its liberty has already been lost.

The nation has already set you up to be sheep to the slaughter.

At least you can go to work, buy stuff, and watch porn, while our rights are liened away and legislated for safety and security. Sounds like the beginningings of an upscale jewish getto concentration camp to me, you see any similarities dumb fucks.

