Anonymous ID: 2b5972 March 8, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.598150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8391 >>8408 >>8421 >>8526

Just woke up, read up on the last 10h of happenings.


I have never felt so much hope and warmth in my life. Q, I know you say not to glorify you, but after a lifetime of corrupt leadership and our countries being bled for the Cabal's enjoyment, this first ray of genuine hope which is being fulfilled right before our very eyes - it's like being able to walk again. I have tears in my eyes, to see even just a part of your plan complete and your work bearing fruit - we were truly blessed. No countrymen before have ever had this close a look at how things are actually ran - and be confident that those who were elected and those who pledged to work for the people ACTUALLY FUCKING DO. It is truly AMAZING to see actual, honest-to-god Patriots in control and at work.


When we thank you, Q and POTUS, we thank you not only for your service and for speaking to us. We - I personally - thank you for giving us hope back. I was one of the blackpilled for the longest time, I resigned myself to the state of things as they were, my world got progressively smaller until I just stopped leaving my home unless I had to. You guys are the first legitimate ray of hope I've ever had and, not only that, these hopes are now paying off.


How can we not be happy and praise you? You deserve it. You deserve the praise, Q, POTUS. You gave us promises. You are keeping them. This alone makes you completely unique in the last 200 years.


For God and Country. Za wolność naszą i waszą. Ready and willing for the change to come to Europe. Let your spirit come and change the face of the World. This World.

Anonymous ID: 2b5972 March 8, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.598677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Kenyan citizenship

so he'll actually prove his birth certificate was fake just to try to save his own skin and fail?


I REALLY want to see this. For God and Country.