Anonymous ID: 3f52dd March 8, 2018, 10:14 p.m. No.597962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8021

I tried to say it…"he already did" Anonymous (You) 03/07/18 (Wed) 08:26:47 b093b7 No.577481


Everytime I see the vid clip of Trump saying "me" when asked what is the reason for NK change of heart; I keep thinking he is talking to us anons. Especially when he immediately follows it with " nobody here got that". Think back when Q sent us that picture on AF1 above NK and her recent reference to that same pic. I feel strongely that there was a secret meeting , whether by phone or F2F that took place on that Asian tour and that is why AF1 was allowed to safely fly over NK. Anyone else share that feeling?