Literally the biggest criminals of all time. It is going to take some harsh application of justice if anyone is to take the republic seriously again. We can only hope the military tribunals are hard at work.
Ohh that sounds good and has the always popular -tards on the end for bonus triggering.
Shut your globhole you globetard.
I fully agree with you there! I'm getting too close to a taboo topic, I shouldn't even have posted that.
Certainly. And I encourage you to do so. What I found was it got so complex so damn fast no matter the subject. I was thinking of doing one that only has children's charities and people. Anyone have something like that started already?
Any of the parts on those models look like parts on Rocket Man's rockets?
Smash it with a hammer.
I don't have sauce at hand, but saw something about her working for a kids charity that looked ultra shady.
Maybe a little tiny version of the big nose cartoon hidden in the back?