At this point and time I believe very little of what I have been told about other nations, considering the sources. We have been lied to about these countries, and they have about ours. I will wait until more information comes out before making a judgement on them, and even then will question unless seen with my own eyes.
I am curious how our history books are going to be written. Everything we have known has been a lie. How is the information worldwide going to broken down so that it correlates across the board? I have heard rumors but nothing substantive to how this will be done. Most people still have no clue or very little understanding as to what is occurring right now. I would think some kind of a primer prior to any trials starting on the big boys so the populace gets the gist of what's about to occur and as law slowly works its way up the ladder and how each person is tied to the next. I know we have memes and that the maps are being worked on but maybe some public disclosure prior to each trial? I know you want an element of surprise and would be limited to how much knowledge could be given because, of course, innocent until proven guilty. But if the people were primed, it would be the slow build without hitting them all at once. It would set the stage for the next case. And give a starting line to start changing out history as it was known, to what it is now.
Awesome! Thanks. While I am astounded at the work Aron's have been doing here, I would prefer NOT to show my very young grandchildren some of the memes made here and then have to explain them (when they're older o.k) but not now. I want to and have been showing my children everything. This will be a very good place to look into.