Hey asshole, speaking of scavenger hunts…
and this is just a half day's worth lol!
(all /pb):
Just keep exposing your game, ResignationAnon.
Q and Q Researchers will be here to enjoy every step of your humiliation.
>>5966583 /pbQ
>Attacks increasing?
Yes, sir. This faggot is spamming tf out of our board trying to control the narrative.
>Context of drops mislabeled and used?
Kek! Dude claims that because your drop is "in a reply chain" with this spam you endorse his message. Pretty clear you meant to highlight it as an example of one of those very attack arms.
>Select orgs/journalists dropping controversial info as attempt to label as whole
Yeah the "we no hatespeech!" was a transparent attempt to lump together legitimate criticism by anons with empty parodies of it by our enemies, so that the entirety would be dismissed as a whole.
>We are being bombarded for a reason.
Yeah dey mad alright. But we comfy, boss.
>Look for keywords to be repeated by many
>repeated by many
>repeated by many
>repeated by many
>repeated by many
You'd think they'd have figured this out by now. That it's the repetitive spam that outs their bullshit.
But whatever. Nigs gon nig.