Hey Ben if you’ve been covering Q anon for a year, why is this shocking?
I keep seeing random scripts that post concernfag text trying to gain tacit agreement
Wrong site, go to the dairy stormer
Douglas Matthew Stewart
Fairfield county
Was a liberal then went to the south of France got new orders and now shills for Ann Coulter
We will find you
Just want to have a nice civil conversation
You work for Ann I’m a man coulter
Nice division fagging or are you a reporter posting racist shit so you can write an article
You are a perfect example of someone trying to destroy Q/r
We think for ourselves and don’t let anyone tell us what to believe.
No notes because you’ve been shilling all morning
Not sure but they got a good caddie
So it’s not Doug
It’s Jack Pubsiec
Nice new family you got there jack
Ps what’s with all the hand signs?
The twiterrati need to be exposed
Tonight I’m digging all of them
Every single one
Well we now know the shills were in the kitchen
Thus why he needs to be exposed
I was here for the chat logs
He’s got a family now
Should re consider the path he has chosen
Thernobitch can get it too
Define K.E.K.
What does it stand for?
I hear what your saying but I hate motherfuckers that tell me what to do.
Why does it take >40 posts a bread to push your narrative?
If your argument was rational and logical, a post or two would do.
But you are irrational illogical and emotional.
Who’s driving you?
>thinks kek is lol
>calls me a newfag
Have you ever been to halfchan?
There’s a specific reason im spoilering that shit
What’s the price of tea in Chappaqua?
Actual anons think for themselves and have diverse opinions
Unlike your subversion and authoritarianism
Baker with all those posts how do you have time to bake?
Let me know when they get indicted like the priests