Anonymous ID: 3cc3aa March 30, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.5984257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4285 >>4294



We decided that Gio would interview a concierge in Las Vegas. During the interview, I revealed that basically Gio has molested an eight-year-old boy. Now, mind you, this is extreme comedy and we thought that the guy would leave the room. Instead, this concierge stays in the room and I go, listen, you’ve got to help me get rid of the problem. And this guy starts advising Gio how to get rid of this issue. We even at one point talk about murdering the boy, and the concierge is just saying, ‘well, listen, I’m really sorry. In this country, we can’t just drown the boy. This is America we don’t do that.’ And then, in the end, he puts me in touch with a lawyer who can silence the boy. I became really dark stuff. And then at the end of the interview I say, listen, I want to go out and celebrate now. Can you get me a date for tonight? He says, ‘what do you mean, a date?’


I go, you know, like a young man. He says, ‘well, what kind of age?’ I say, lower than Bar Mitzvah but older than eight. And he says, ‘yeah, I can put you in touch with somebody who can get you some boys like that.’


DEADLINE: None of this remotely qualifies as comedy. What did you do?


BARON COHEN: We immediately turned over the footage to the FBI because we thought, perhaps there’s a pedophile ring in Las Vegas that’s operating for these very wealthy men. And this concierge had said that he’d worked for politicians and various billionaires. But in the end the FBI decided not to pursue it.


DEADLINE: Not surprising you didn’t put it in the show…


BARON COHEN: It was too dark and wrong. In a journalistic way it was fascinating, but it was so extreme and so dark that it was too unsettling for the audience.

Anonymous ID: 3cc3aa March 30, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.5984294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 3cc3aa March 30, 2019, 5:08 p.m. No.5984326   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wheels come off the Southern Poverty Law Center


On March 14, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the left-liberal civil rights nonprofit group known for its conspicuous wealth and ever-expanding lists of right-wing “hate” figures and organizations, abruptly fired 82-year-old Morris Dees. Dees, an Alabama lawyer, is the man who founded the SPLC in Montgomery in 1971 and built it into a fundraising powerhouse with assets approaching $500 million. Not long after his departure, President Richard Cohen and legal director Rhonda Brownstein, both of whom have been at the center since 1986, resigned.


The SPLC hasn't said much about the three departures, especially that of Dees, whose profile, though not photos, it scrubbed from its website. News media reported allegations of sexual harassment and racial and gender discrimination that had circulated on in-house emails. New female members of staff had allegedly been warned repeatedly about overtures from the five-times-married Dees. The SPLC’s highest-ranking black woman, senior attorney Meredith Horton, had resigned, and according to the Los Angeles Times, other female staffers had signed letters protesting office mistreatment and discrimination. Cohen issued a statement implying that Dees had failed to meet the SPLC’s “standards” of “truth, justice, equity and inclusion.”