Anonymous ID: c25dbe March 30, 2019, 5:31 p.m. No.5984591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4632 >>4665 >>4703


The "Russia, Russia, Russia" I'm convinced it actually a C_A operation from within Russia that Putin wants to help bring down, but has to play his role down until the whole thing can get fucked proper by MI and the good guys.


I'm sure there's a lot of "suitcase" nukes and dirty bombs sprinkled all over the world, and it'd be most excellent if the good guys could prevent as many of them as possible from going off.



See, this would be a logical conclusion based on open source material, but I'm thinking the person Q is referencing is still not disclosed, which is why anons are taking a crack at which (comedian?) person it is, focusing on the "laugh" comment.

Anonymous ID: c25dbe March 30, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.5984743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4758 >>4780 >>4807


>To make sure all of the fake millions of views on their Instagram from bots stays in the algorithm.

I swear, CDAN has to be in on the plan. If that's the case, then this WL/JA/Rich/Soros/Clintons thing is going to have a MAJOR plot twist ahead.

Anonymous ID: c25dbe March 30, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.5984822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4969


Keep in mind, Putin is still trying to "run Russia" as a country. He doesn't want to risk his countrymen/women anymore than any other good or decent leader would want to. It think it's apparent the DS has tried, repeatedly, the open war tactic, and failed. MI/Q/USMil in general keeps stopping them. So, they switched tactics to long game. Unfortunately for them, at least based on the drops we get from Q, it's setting them up to fall into all the traps that have been set for them.


This might take another 6 years to "complete". and THEN, there's going to have to be preventative measures in place to keep it from happening again. Can't do that unless you are a-OK with a surveillance state. A benevolent one, at least.

Anonymous ID: c25dbe March 30, 2019, 5:55 p.m. No.5984863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4887


JA and Soros best buddies (or, at least used to be). JA used the Rich emails to save his fucking ass until he could get extracted. In exchange for his testimony to help take down the cabal, he gets a much comfier cell with cable TV and conjugal visits from Pam. No matter how to slice and dice it, WL was an espionage outfit. Plain and simple.

Anonymous ID: c25dbe March 30, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.5984933   🗄️.is 🔗kun




99 classified operations that all pertain to "the plan". Q keeps saying we're "watching a movie". Random anon many moons ago explained the JA thing a while back. WL got boltholed, and good guys made away with Assange, while bad guys made away with the servers/site.


That plane has JA on it, but Q isn't saying shit because that part of the "plan" is still classified.

Anonymous ID: c25dbe March 30, 2019, 6:10 p.m. No.5985053   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Power comes in many forms. Money, control over people, information. If information was measured in money, though, JA was sitting on the world's worth of gold. I mentioned earlier that all WL was, was a fucking espionage outfit.


WL could pick and choose what and when to release. Traitors to God and country would take their stories to JA, and get paid handsomely. VERY handsomely, sometimes. Where was JA generating his wealth? How in the fuck does a dude run a few rickety servers and publish the most damning content to world leaders across the entire planet? He had a backer.


Someone that likes to sow discord. Someone that likes to make the ground unstable for plans to take effect. Someone that likes to help overthrow valid governments responsible for the people they serve, and help replace those governments with puppet administrations bent on accomplishing the one world plan to mass exterminate the rest of us, while taking the rest of us on a ride straight to extinction level events.


If you honestly can buy all the rest of Q's storyline. The 16 year plan, the Satanic abuse, the cannibalism, crimes against children, the Vatican belonging to the Roths, Payseurs being the head of the Chair that serves Satan, etc., then how hard is it to conceive that JA is most DEFINITELY not a "white wizard", but one of the blackest of them all?


But, I'll admit. It's just a theory. I could be so wrong it's not even funny. If that's the case, then I hope JA doesn't have me assassernateded when his name gets cleared.