Today is :58
Remember Vegas.
Today is :58
Remember Vegas.
:58 is part of a series of "coincidences".
:17 for Majorie Douglas shooting.
:44 for missing submarine.
Today was also a good past proof for the dates on the clock.
General Flynn comms as well (19 day postponed "Birthday").
More :58 Clocks.
POTUS and another version of Vegas.
Another :58 marker CLOCK.
Pink Houses Clock is from :58 as well.
Was a BOOM marker as well.
Another version of VEGAS.
Diamond and Silk are priceless.
They are pissed at Jussie.
Lots of black people probably are. I would be as a black person. I am pissed off as a third party witness. What a crock that process was. The Chicago Way.
Blank and MEME.
Leaving Las Vegas.
Another :58 marker clock.
A couple for the KISS fans.