D5?! Was this a test run for WWIII? Good find, anon.
Killing people with lethal injections is cruel and unusually punishment. Lethal injection in the US is reserved for innocent babies, via "well baby checks" that produce SIDS a few hours later.
Governor Northam is a doctor and he wants to make it acceptable to kill infants after birth. Why? To protect doctors from liability for what they are already doing. Why don't the dims want the "born alive protection act"? Because killing babies is what they do. If a doctor were in any way obligated by law to help children live they couldn't vaccinate them. Vaccines can add about half a million dollars in revenue to a medical practice as insurers give bonuses for administering the "full schedule". If a doctor had an obligation to help children live, how could they make all that money?
Worse than all of this, Adam Schiff wants each and every one of us to know that vaccines are "safe and effective"
Why would it be so important for gun owners to be convinced that they should vaccinate their children? Note: I don't advocate for violence. I only want to understand why we see several trends at this time: Push for mandated vaccines at every turn plus the disarmament of citizens. The Democrats want BOTH. https://www.nratv.com/videos/cam-and-company-2015-julie-gunlock-vaccinate-your-children The link is to a woman from the "Independent Women's Forum" and she is speaking on NRA TV about the need to vaccinate. The interview is old, but still relevant.