Anonymous ID: 167c91 March 30, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.5986763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6820 >>6823 >>6837 >>7204

Troubling signs New Zealand shooting is being used to turn my country into Islamic State


Troubling signs New Zealand shooting is being used to turn my country into Islamic State


(Natural News) March 21, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – I live in New Zealand. I’ve become alarmed at developments in my country since the shootings last Friday. What I see unfolding seems so disproportionate to the magnitude of the crime. It seems like I’ve woken up and all of a sudden live in an Islamic State.


(Article by Michelle Kaufman republished from


Here are some highlights of what’s unfolding:


The thought police are out in full force and people are being scrutinized for “hate speech”. Green ribbons are being worn as a symbol against hate.

Mosques and many of the prayer rooms continue to be protected by armed police (police aren’t usually armed in my country).

Vigils are being held all over the place in solidarity with the victims. These seem to have morphed into what amounts to support for the Islamic religion. One Catholic bishop held one last Sunday afternoon in the Ponsonby church. After prayers there, they processed over to the mosque, which is on the opposite side of the road and prayed and met there.

Whitcoulls, one of our book stores, probably the oldest, has removed Jordan Peterson’s book “12 Rules for Life” from its shelves because he was photographed with a member of the public wearing an anti-Islamic t-shirt while he was in New Zealand recently. Apparently, that’s being construed as him having something to do with the madman’s agenda.

On Tuesday a Muslim prayer was said in Parliament. Just recently all Christian prayer in Parliament was removed.

On Friday March 22 at 1:30pm New Zealand will be called to prayer…Islamic prayer that is. And we will be expected to keep 2 minutes silence after they read the Muslim prayer acknowledging Allah as “great” and Muhammad as his “prophet.” The call to prayer will be broadcasted on national radio stations and TV as well.

One top Catholic Church leader will go to the local mosque (Kilbirnie) as well on Friday to stand outside during their prayers as an act of solidarity. The Catholic bishops here have been very sympathetic and playing out their “inter-faith role” with great enthusiasm.

Catholic school students have been praying inside mosques.

It seems like we’re living in a different world all of a sudden. It seems that showing our great respect for those who were killed has somehow been manipulated into showing affirmation of the Islamic religion.


New Zealand is now putty in the Islamists’ hands.


The shooting on Friday was terrible. But what has now unfolded is something else entirely and may just be the beginning of something very terrible for New Zealand.


Certainly, on a spiritual level, our crisis has become even deeper.


Please keep New Zealand in your prayers.

Anonymous ID: 167c91 March 30, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.5987228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7240 >>7260 >>7281 >>7340

U.S. college issues politically correct “speech codes” to students and faculty, demanding obedience to the authoritarian Left


(Natural News) Amherst College, one of the most liberal institutions of “higher learning” in America today, has unveiled a 40-page speech code for students and faculty that explains what they can and cannot say on campus in order to maintain their political correctness.


Created by Amherst’s “Office of Diversity and Inclusion,” the extensive booklet, entitled, “Common Language Guide,” is a glossary of terms that spells out what types of speech and language the Left deems “acceptable,” as opposed to everything else, which is considered “hate” speech.


Broken down into categories such as “isms,” “race and ethnicity,” “gender identity,” “class,” “politics and policy,” “global power and inequality,” and “disability,” the booklet leaves no form of communication untouched, arguing that strict speech and language guidelines are necessary to create “tolerance.”


“This project emerged out of a need to come to a common and shared understanding of language in order to foster opportunities for community building and effective communication within and across difference,” the booklet explains.


The document further takes aim at “capitalism,” which it describes as “exploitative labor practices” that marginalize “groups disproportionately.” It also chastises “white feminism,” claiming that it’s “predicated upon the erasure of women of color and the ways in which racism and sexism converge and compound one another.”


As far as “equality” goes, the document takes an anti-white perspective, arguing that true equality as any rational person would define it “ignores historical and structural factors that benefit some social groups / communities and harm other social groups / communities.”


And then there’s race, which the document describes as a “social construction,” as opposed to a biological reality. And of course it’s “European (white) scientists” who are responsible for inventing it “to rank humans based on perceived biological differences rooted in appearance, skin tone and ancestral homelands.”


The whole idea of race, it concludes, “is intricately linked with the practice of white supremacy, which continues to have damaging impacts on communities of color globally.”


“Common Language Guide” introduced one day before President Trump signed executive order pledging punishment for colleges and universities that obstruct free speech

This so-called “Common Language Guide” is about as authoritarian as it gets, trampling all over free speech and the First Amendment in the name of “inclusion” and “acceptance.” It’s also exactly why President Trump signed an executive order (EO) promising to punish colleges and universities that attempt such tyranny.


Ironically, Amherst unveiled the speech code just one day before Trump signed the EO, illustrating precisely why it needed to be signed in the first place.


“Today, I am proud to announce that I will be very soon signing an executive order requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal research dollars,” our Commander-in-Chief stated before a gathering at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which took place in Maryland this year.


Amherst president withdraws “Common Language Guide” one day after introduction, says she had “no prior knowledge” about its existence

What’s further interesting, and somewhat disturbing is the fact that Amherst’s “Office of Diversity and Inclusion” apparently pulled this stunt without permission, as Amherst President Biddy Martin reportedly rescinded the document just one day after it was published, stating that she had “no prior knowledge” that it was going to be drafted and circulated without permission.


“The ‘Common Language Document’ produced by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and circulated yesterday at Amherst takes a very problematic approach,” Martin revealed in a statement.


“When the approach assumes campus-wide agreement about the meaning of terms and about social, economic, and political matters, it runs counter to the core academic values of freedom of thought and expression,” she added.


When approached for an explanation by The College Fix, Amherst’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion did not offer a response.


Sources for this article include: