Anonymous ID: c288f8 March 30, 2019, 8:37 p.m. No.5986710   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5986648 (lb)


I had to ask that question here once, anon, so I will pass on the knowledge now to you. It's a salute, with the zero being the head and the seven representing the bent arm making the salute. So now you know. And when you see someone ask this question, it's your turn to answer. :-)

Anonymous ID: c288f8 March 30, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.5986827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7126



Kvetch kvetch kvetch… how long do we have to put up with this exceptionalist bullshit? Everything else is ok, but don't depict their sacred Holocaust? Jesus, and yet it was ok for Jewish-owned Hollywood studios to use the Holocaust as the subject matter for the film the used to get nudity onto the silver screen for the first time. Why the tits in the Pawnbroker if not (a) to make more money or (b) to pervert society and subvert the social order or (c) both? Yeah, yeah, yeah… only the Chosen Ones may make money of the Holocaust, and milk it for millions and billions they do. One rule for them, as always, and another for the result. So tsk tsk Rammstein. Kvetch kvetch kvetch ad nauseam.

Anonymous ID: c288f8 March 30, 2019, 9:40 p.m. No.5987341   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>like psychopaths, they are trying to play you using perceived victim status


Yeah, I know. But they stopped being able to play me a few years back. And looking around I think we may be finally reaching the tipping point where their fake victim narratives stop working for them among the general public too. A tide of anger is rising, and when that tide gets strong enough it will sweep away all the barriers to free speech that have been erected and finally force the truth about the subversive role of the Jews in world history to be told. And then there will literally be hell to pay for the main sons of bitches involved.


My belief all along has been that President Trump knows very well that Israel and its sayanim and shabbos goyim network played the leading role in 9/11 too and that is it not his intention to play forgive and forget. I hope and pray, every day, that he is just biding his time and setting his ducks in a row, or whatever the expression is, throwing the mad dog a bone every now and then to keep it placated. But, yes, we all know who runs the MSM, and we all know that it is the FakeNewsMedia that has been a major front in the attempt to oust the President in the illegal coup that is slowly being exposed to the masses now.


But we are all getting a little itchy and impatient. Jewish power has been the third rail for way too long. Perhaps they will soon find that their plans to sacrifice the Red Heifer was an overreach that led to the butchering of a whole lot of sacred cows that they had been milking for way too long.


Let's just get it done. I hope we are ready soon. I think the world is rapidly growing tired of hearing our oppressors playing the victim while they stab us in the back.

Anonymous ID: c288f8 March 30, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.5987404   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah, there is a lot of validity in this. The rabbis always controlled the Jewish masses and held them firmly under their grip. Then the Enlightenment happened and Jews started to break free from rabbinical control. The Holocaust story proved very useful for bringing the Jewish masses back into the fold of seeing themselves as a separate distinct group, them against the rest of the world. Very clever those rabbis, those rabbis, in that sort of evil genius way, of course. But time is running out. The goyim are finally waking up. And even Jews are beginning to get very uncomfortable and ask questions about what they have always believed. The reckoning is coming, unless they can stop it with WW3 or 5G. It is all just a matter of time.