the only one that can argue against you has (53) atm… There arguments are falling upon deaf ears, Anons don't fall for propaganda.
Nail hit's head.
apparently graveyard shift is lost. massive blow to the movement as whole… but, the apostles were able to bring a movement back, at a cost.
at (((90))) you must be the most wise shill that we have ever had.
(((you))) are a fucking retarded, to be sure. But, that is the true extent.
Ya gonna kill yourself, the second you realize what Saxon means....
But, than again, you will resist things like facts, and truth to the death.... (and one moar post and you become the biggest not bot shill in the history of qresearch.)
Copngratz on 100... SHILL
Nothing you talk about can ever again be considered Q Research. Because, YOU are the worst not obvious bot EVER to show it's loathsome face here.
you left most of the same bot here…
only half of the bot's bullshit was deleted.
doesn't matter if you believe the other half of the bot's bullshit, you believed a bot's bullshit..
but, that's the way it seems to go around here…. push bullshit, and you will be rewarded, push the bullshit too far, you will be punished…. some would say Q shroud weigh in, but Q has weighed in.
read the crumbs. Shill.
Never even been to a jew house of worship, (as I am Protestant) but thanks for playing!!!! try again next time.
Logic. wins, please try again.
Your "logic" has failed. Time and Time again. Nobody buys your bullshit.
Your Ad hominem attacks, fail. try again
Christ Cuck…. since you have deleted your own attack….. … … .
Acknowledge and Appreciate Yourself as s shill, does not bring forgiveness.
Judas had to spend the silver on the potters field. (I doubt any of you will get that)
especially (48+) shill