Anonymous ID: e3d194 March 31, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.5990891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1128

>>5990565 lb

to add to your dig



Nawaf Obaid is a glib Saudi representative who for some time sported a luxuriant, back-of-the-collar hairdo on American television – rather a novelty among those speaking for the desert kingdom, where mullahs are preferred to mullets. He has been known since the mid-1990s as an indefatigable Washington gadfly.


Obaid has been associated with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), and most recently was affiliated with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). In 1999 he published, in the Middle East Quarterly (MEQ), a study of Wahhabism, the fundamentalist cult that is the Saudi state religion and which inspires Al-Qaida. There he issued a warning against the Wahhabis – who he called by that name, without adopting the term "Salafi" or any other deceptive terms. He wrote, "American analysts have underestimated, overlooked, or misunderstood the nature, strength, and goals of the Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia. This led to a failure to predict the oil embargo, the ferocity of anti-American sentiments after the Kuwait war, and to understand what the Taliban would become."


After the atrocities of September 11, 2001, Nawaf Obaid could have added the rise of Al-Qaida to his roster of unexpected results of Western obliviousness about the Wahhabis. But curiously, he did not. Rather, he suddenly forgot all that he had previously said about Wahhabism, and on cable TV talk shows tried to deny that "Wahhabism" even existed. According to him, the concept was an invention of authors like myself, who he claimed knew nothing of the kingdom.


Last year Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abd al-Aziz, the wheeling, dealing, and vodka-serving Saudi ambassador to the U.S., departed Washington. Bandar had once bragged that unlike Israel, the Saudis did not need a formal lobby in America, because they had a grip on the White House. The kingdom appointed a new ambassador, Prince Turki al-Faisal. Turki is more sophisticated than most of the desert denizens who come to Washington, and he hired the slick Obaid as his "private security and energy adviser." Obaid therefore operated in the shadow world powerful Saudis typically prefer – he was both a D.C. think-tank "expert" and a semi-official functionary. He remained a narcissistic fool, according to Saudi dissidents.

Anonymous ID: e3d194 March 31, 2019, 8:35 a.m. No.5991087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1109 >>1348 >>1354 >>1505



and let's throw this one in too:

Jeannie Rhee: Hillary’s sweetheart, Mueller’s top aide!


Meet Jeannie Rhee, one of the top aides of Robert Mueller, who has been ‘investigating’ President Donald Trump’s Russia connection. Before describing a lots of untold facts about Ms. Jeanie, let me say – she is a diehard Democrat. She used to represent Barack Hussein Obama’s aide Ben Rhodes and Hillary’s family charity – Clinton Foundation. Still Mueller wants Americans to believe – Jeannie Rhee is ‘unbiased and neutral’! Jeannie is former partner at WilmerHale – the high-profile law firm where Robert Mueller worked prior to taking on the special counsel role. She is one of at least two attorneys who followed Mueller from WilmerHale. At the law firm, Jeannie focused on representing people in government investigations, including white-collar criminal probes and criminal and civil fraud matters. She also represented Obama National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes during the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s investigation of 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack.


In 2015 Jeannie represented Clinton Foundation. She also represented her client former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails. Aside from her personal and professional relationships with prominent political figures on the left, Jeannie has a history of large political donations to Democrats. Rhee donated a total of $5,400 to Clinton in 2015 and 2016. Rhee also donated a combined $4,800 to Obama in 2008 and the same amount again in 2011. Rhee has also contributed smaller amounts of money to the Democratic National Committee and multiple Democrats running for Congress.


Ever since Jeannie started working for Clinton Foundation and Hillary, the attorney formed a discreet and special relation with the former Secretary of State. According to newspaper reports, Hillary Clinton is bisexual. There is not intimacy between Bill and Hillary for many years while Bill Clinton considers his wife as a warden. Most importantly, although Robert Mueller’s investigation has been kept totally secret from the American taxpayers, Hillary Clinton is receiving up-to-date information on investigation and she has been regularly giving opinion and ‘guidance’ to the team of Mueller.


CNN Freedom Project…nothing yet.

Anonymous ID: e3d194 March 31, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.5991174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1260


>BoD of CNN Freedom Project

found this blurb interesting related…


According to "The Fighters," Pacquiao's part in advocating against human trafficking mostly involves pushing legislative measures that would increase funding for related programs and, most off all, putting a popular face to the plight of modern-day slaves.


Flores-Oebanda, used to working tirelessly for years to help rescue victims of trafficking, welcomes the famed boxer's help, but cautions, "This may be the hardest or the toughest fight that he will wage in his entire life, because this fight goes beyond 12 rounds."


The Visayan Forum, an NGO founded by Flores-Oebanda in 1991, has been lauded worldwide for its commitment to defending and protecting vulnerable migrants, especially victims of human trafficking, with a notable record of saving more than 70,000 from the industry. The organization's groundbreaking work, however, was marred in 2012 when the USAID, the American organization that provides financial aid to foreign organizations, raided its offices on the premise of fraud and embezzlement. While the organization and its leader have yet to be officially charged with any crime, the mass publicized accusation, brought by a former employee of the Visayan Forum, may have already done damage. As "The Fighter" documents, after 20-plus years, Flores-Oebanda's work has been put in serious jeopardy, with the Visayan Forum weakened in its fight against human traffickers.


Although her NGO's efforts to end the horrible trade that affects 20-30 million people worldwide have been dramatically slowed due to USAID rescinding its funding, the documentary shows that Pacquiao has vowed to remain standing by Flores-Oebanda's side.


I'm guessing they were to effective at what they did so USAID had to step in?

Anonymous ID: e3d194 March 31, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.5991424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1472



so far the only name that has popped up


Leif Coorlim, an award-winning journalist and executive editor of the CNN Freedom Project, spoke Wednesday about the need to raise awareness about modern-day slavery around the world.


“We have more stories than we can tell,” he said.


About 50 people attended the event in Harris Hall, which was hosted by Fight for Freedom.

Anonymous ID: e3d194 March 31, 2019, 9:06 a.m. No.5991509   🗄️.is 🔗kun


here's another name


n 2015 the U.S. State Department honored Maddox for founding and leading the CNN Freedom Project, which is now the longest-running awareness and investigative campaign on modern slavery on a global news channel, as a Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report Hero.


Before he was appointed to his current position, Maddox served as senior vice president of international newsgathering for the network. He was previously senior vice president for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) for CNN International, based in London. He joined CNN International in 1998 as managing editor for the EMEA region.