Anonymous ID: c0ca42 March 31, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.5992481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2539 >>2691 >>2889 >>3021

EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Page FISA Warrant Likely a Gateway to Spy on Entire Trump Campaign


The Obama-era FISA warrant obtained to monitor the communications of Carter Page was most likely utilized as a gateway to spy on the rest of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, contended William Binney, a former highly placed NSA official turned whistleblower. The same warrant against Page technically could also have been used to legally justify collecting data on the Republican National Committee (RNC) or the leadership of the Republican Party, Binney said. Binney was an architect of the NSA’s surveillance program. He became a famed whistleblower when he resigned on October 31, 2001 after spending more than 30 years with the agency. He was speaking during an interview that aired Sunday on this reporter’s weekend talk radio show, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM in Philadelphia.


Binney referred to measures put into place by President Obama in January 2014 that restrict the NSA to collecting data on individuals that are only two steps removed from a target being monitored. He explained that if Page had called anyone from the Trump campaign or the RNC, the NSA could legally have spied not only on that second individual but on others called by the second person.


Stated Binney: “If you get a warrant on say Carter Page and for example he has a call or an email to the Republican National Committee or anybody in the Trump campaign, that warrant then allows them to go out two degrees from the RNC to everybody associated with the RNC and from anyone from the Trump campaign to anyone they are associated with.”“So effectively what that means is that they had the ability to basically spy on anybody,” he said. “They could spy on everybody on the Republican National Committee or everybody in the Trump campaign.” “Not only could they collect all the data on that second person but all of the data content as well as metadata on anybody that he talks to,” Binney added.


In late October 2016, then-FBI director James Comey signed the first of three successful FISA applications to obtain warrants to spy on Page, the American financial consultant who was tangentially associated with the campaign as an adviser. The second and third were renewal applications since a FISA warrant must be renewed every 90 days. All three applications reportedly cited as key evidence against Page the largely-discredited dossier produced by the controversial Fusion GPS firm which was paid for its anti-Trump work by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee via the Perkins Coie law firm. According to Republican House characterizations, the FISA applications signed by Comey withheld key information raising questions about the dossier, including that it was financed by Clinton and the DNC and had known credibility issues.


Binney argued that the warrant on Page was likely used to “legitimize” and “justify”spying on the entire Trump campaign. “That’s why they want to hide the FISA request and all of the justification and affidavits that they filed to obtain it.”


Obama Outlines Calibrated Curbs on Phone Spying


Eight Questions for Russia Hoaxers to Answer After End of Mueller Probe

Anonymous ID: c0ca42 March 31, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.5992548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2599 >>2676 >>2691 >>2889 >>2917 >>2931 >>3021

RussiaGate: Rudy Giuliani Predicts ‘Criminal’ Evidence Against FBI, DOJ Officials ‘In Six Months’


Appearing Saturday evening on the Fox News Channel’s Justice, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani predicted evidence will emerge showing current and former top Justice Department and FBI officials engaged in “criminal” activity during their investigation into President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian election interference.


JEANINE PIRRO: What we’ve got is this report not only exonerated the president, it indicted the FBI, the DOJ, and there was a time when you and I would be talking and we’d say “Jeff Sessions is the Attorney General. Nothing’s gonna happen.” Will something happen now?


RUDY GIULIANI: First of all, I know you agree with me. The people it indicts are the corrupted politicians at the top of the FBI and DOJ. No field office of the FBI is implicated in this, no agent who sacrificing his life to protect us. It’s a bunch of these phony politicians at the top who corrupt themselves because they want to suck up to whoever’s in power. I would describe Comey that way, a whole bunch of other people like that. McCabe, his wife running for office, getting millions of dollars from Hillary. These are suck-up politicians. They’re not FBI agents like you know who are police officers–


PIRRO: Right, not the guys you and I worked for–


GIULIANI: The guys who go out and arrest people, put their lives on the live. My god, their hands would shake if they had to do that.




GIULIANI: So, that’s who we’re talking about–


PIRRO: Right, the upper echelon.


GIULIANI: What they did here, I believe over the next six months we’re going to uncover evidence that what they did here was criminal. This whole thing of collusion isn’t true. I was with Donald Trump for the last five months of the campaign. He didn’t ever talk to a Russian, he had nothing to do with a Russian

Anonymous ID: c0ca42 March 31, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.5992615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2623 >>2747 >>2757

‘Never Trump” Jeff Flake: Yes, I Want a Democrat to Beat Trump in 2020


Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona told an audience in New York City on Thursday that he would prefer a Democrat win in 2020 than see Donald Trump re-elected to a second term.


Flake, a longtime Trump critic who argued Thursday that the Republican Party should not support Trump in 2020, was asked if it is better for a Democrat to win the election if Trump is the Republican nominee. “Yes … and this notion, this narrative that’s been built up, that Donald Trump is the only one that can cobble together the Electoral College and win is just a fallacy,” Flake replied at an Intelligence Squared debate in New York City. The organization bills itself as a “non-partisan, non-profit” group that hosts debates aimed at promoting various points of view. “I think that four years is difficult enough to unravel some of the damage that has been done internationally to our role, to our leadership position. We cannot, should not go another four years,” the Arizona Republican said. Flake also turned to attacking the President on policy during the debate, criticizing his positions on immigration and free trade, as well as Trump’s treatment of the media.


Flake was a somewhat popular conservative congressman when he ran for U.S. Senate in 2012. But he irritated conservative voters when he helped produce the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill in 2013. He also backed President Barack Obama’s normalization of relations with Cuba. Flake began criticizing Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, and Trump responded in kind. The senator continued to oppose Trump as president, declaring proudly that he was a member of the Republican Party’s “Never Trump” faction. A year ago, Flake called for a primary challenge to the president, though he declined to run himself. Flake also declined to run for re-election, after his liberal policy stances and his clash with Trump caused his popularity to plummet in Arizona. In his last significant act in Congress, Flake wavered on supporting the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court before finally voting in favor.

Anonymous ID: c0ca42 March 31, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.5992829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2838

Can an Archaeological Dig Change the Future of Jerusalem?


JERUSALEM — I want to tell you about a piece of clay the size of my pinkie fingernail and the color of ash. It is called a bulla, and it is what the people of the ancient Near East used before the invention of rubber bands or paper clips. They would roll up their papyrus, wrap cords around the bundle and secure it all with a bit of clay. The clay would then be stamped with a seal — the primitive version of a John Hancock. This particular bulla was dug out of the ground in October by an archaeologist named Yuval Gadot. In the many years he’s been spading the earth in this city, Dr. Gadot, a professor at Tel Aviv University, has found several bullas. This one is special. “This bulla connects to a whole context, a whole world, that we have been uncovering in this spot,” Dr. Gadot explained. The spot he’s talking about is the City of David — the mound of ancient Jerusalem — which archaeologists have been trying to uncover for 150 years.


When most people think of Jerusalem they think of the walled Old City: the place that contains the Western Wall and the Aqsa Mosque and the Via Dolorosa and inspires more religious fervor than perhaps anywhere else on earth. But the Jerusalem of the Bible is a modest, narrow ridge just outside the walls. Yuval Baruch, the Jerusalem regional archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, described it this way: “Jerusalem was the capital of Judean kings and that capital was located in what we call today the City of David.” Archaeologists have been engaged in a ferocious debate about whether a king named David literally built his palace here. Dr. Gadot, who belongs to the school of archaeology known as biblical minimalism, is skeptical. But almost all agree on the big picture, which is that the 11-acre mound is the seat of the Davidic dynasty, which begot what we now call Jewish civilization. “You cannot cast doubts over the importance of this place. This is the acropolis of Israel,” Dr. Gadot said.


There is just one problem. The acropolis of Israel is being unearthed in East Jerusalem, which much of the world does not regard as belonging to the state of Israel. And it is being unearthed, at least in part, beneath the homes of Palestinians, from land that those Palestinians want to be incorporated into their future state. If any archaeological dig in this part of the world is bound to hit on ethnic, national and religious fault lines, this one is the Middle Eastern equivalent of the San Andreas. Because in Jerusalem, the contest over the city’s past is part of the war over its future.


The archaeologists hard at work uncovering ancient Jerusalem are not consumed with borders and politics. They aren’t looking up. They are looking down, at olive pits and shards of clay, and thinking about what they tell us about the past. They say this latest find, this bulla (the discovery of which has not been previously reported), is from the middle of the seventh or beginning of the sixth century B.C., judging by the style of writing on it and the pottery found next to it. This was the period when the First Temple stood in Jerusalem, the heyday of the Judaic monarchy. It was the period when Jews were not yet Jews but Judahites, when they worshiped their God by slaughtering animals, when many among them still secretly practiced magic and prayed to idols — more than 500 years before the Jew now known as Jesus was born.


A name has been stamped into its surface. If you read ancient Hebrew, the words are easily decipherable: “l’Natan-Melech Eved haMelech,” or “to Natan-Melech, the king’s servant.” Natan-Melech appears in the second Book of Kings as a chamberlain in King Josiah’s court. “Natan-Melech himself is a kind of a mystery,” said Dr. Gadot. “But what he was a part of — a very developed monarchy that expressed itself through bureaucracy and writing — is hugely significant. We hear about the big empires in Mesopotamia, but for the creation of our civilization, this is the cradle.”


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