Shillfag is back.
How is that North Korea thing working out for ya? Lol
God bless President Trump and former President Ronald Reagan. Best presidents we have had in the last 100 years for sure.
Which platforms Q refered to as going to collapse under legal weight, Anons?
Twatter, Fukbook, others? How soon?
We know Twatter had some big billionaire divestitures. Anons, any sources on others especially recently?
FB is pure evil and stole tech and patents. Not too mention raped people's private info and sold to the Dems/ Hitlery.
Let the mass class action suits begin. But maybe it will implode once an injunction and stop service order is put on them because they are using stolen patents and govt funded tech.
The day Fucker is in an orange jumpsuit and his mega Hawaiian mansion is raided and put on the market will be a glorious day for all citizens of the world.