Ham radio is not really opsec. It's security by obscurity as there are relatively few of us - 750,000 in the US
Snowden could have cleared HK customs if he had a CHINESE or Diplomatic passport.
Many spooks have diplomatic passports and work under cover. Or so I've heard.
Thanks to the bakers who worked through the DDoS attack last night. Up to 733 archived to the Pavuk app, but it took FOREVER.
I published Bill's StormWatch Ham radio network protocol last night. Baker, please add to the bread.
Have all of God's children got 120 days of food, water, medicine, first aid supplies and a means of self-defense?
Prepared Mind dude on YT is worth a listen for when the sheeple go nuts.
Jesus help me! So much history to re-write. So many lies to undo. What a time to be alive.