What charges can be placed for a person not being a legitimately born American citizen yet getting elected president if they lied about place of birth? Is there even a law on this?
Supposedly, his grandmother stated bho was born in Africa. Michelle slipped once on video saying that. Is it true?
Why would everything from his past be so secretive?
College records? Thesis?
Birth Certificate?
Birth Certificate should be the easiest to produce, yet was always a point of contention. Didn't the woman in Hawaii who produced it meet an unfortunate end in a plane crash?
Not sure anything I've read on the internet is true anymore. Seems everything, including the history we were taught in school decades ago, was all based on lies perpetrated by a propaganda machine to keep the masses compliant. JFK murder, wars, legitimacy of the MSM…nothing is what we were TAUGHT it was.
Thank you, POTUS, for bringing clarity to light. Thank you to the Q team for dropping the crumbs and making us think. Thank you to the Trump family, particularly our spectacular FLOTUS, for giving up your beautiful life to put up with all the nonsense being thrown your way. Hopefully, small notes of thanks like this make your day a tiny bit brighter. You are loved, prayed for, and appreciated more than I can express.