Good morning east coast. BOOM 3.5 was dropped while you were all sleeping.
Last Q Drop
Facebook was the biggest lately.
Being in the industry, I don't get the Snowden as uber hacker talent. Doesn't seem to match his background and unless someone is a super exceptional talent in a field with exception talent doesn't wash. It takes a small group to really pull off a big engineering feet. Snowden as the developer who did x to hold the world in the balance just doesn't make sense.
True, but then why Snowden? Doesn't make sense. If they gave him the tool, Snowden isn't of value to the NSA other than a trophy. The tech lives outside of him and Q claims that they own CIA at this point (making assumptions). This is unfolding as if Snowden has something that no one else has access to. Snowden has fame for taking files and exposing, not of someone that developed technology that no one else has. Something not adding up.
Above my red-pilled level. I'm a geek. Please anons that know this stuff fill in the details.
OK Q, expanding my thinking. He is valuable because he knows something. What he knows, AS knowns and will make public upon his death and/or capture. The real question from your last drop is, who does he work for that can't have that info come out. Should this be where we should dig?
Snowden didn't develop it. When Q responded it was about who he works for. I can promise you @Snowden is not the brains behind the technology. Why him. Q responded dig into his family and positions. Is his family more important than @Snowden?
It means China is the bad guys then. If Q wants Snowden, who in the world is our enemy at this point that won't turn him over to play nice.Today we learned China setup US/NK World peace, so China hiding @Snowden from Q doesn't make sense. Who is @Snowden working for. If he is in HK, that is UK/China that can really have control (to my knowledge). China doesn't make sense from what we learned today. If he is working for UK, can someone sauce that?