Anonymous ID: 62ae2d March 31, 2019, 3:33 p.m. No.5995806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q has mentioned multiple times: “SIS”.

Not enough attention has been paid to the fact that SIS can refer to TWO different entities.

The first SIS is the “Secret Intelligence Service” and has been given due attention. This is the UK organization otherwise referred to as MI6… Usually, the Q mentions are like this: “UK/SIS”, or “MI6/SIS” “UK [SIS]”, etc.

However, SOMETHING ELSE also had the same name SIS: it was a division within the FBI, which was abandoned long ago, shortly after WWII, supposedly.

“Special Intelligence Service” was an FBI covert program to spy on and nullify enemy assets in Latin America.

I think Q’s post #1385 attempts to call further attention to this org specifically:



!4pRcUA0lBE 16 May 2018 - 10:25:07 AM


US History [ABCs]


Did the 'covert' counterintelligence branch of the FBI end?

Or, was it expanded into a new agency?

Double meanings exist.

SIS is good?





Strange that Q is asking if SIS is good, leading us to question if it is good, when previously Q said that it is good ( #1334).



!4pRcUA0lBE 10 May 2018 - 5:31:03 PM


Rank & File.

DOJ, FBI, C_A, State.


[SIS Good].

Not Forgotten.




This emphasizes that we should look again. #1334 might refer specifically only to the “rank and file”, and leaves open the higher ups, the controllers, who might NOT be good.


Digging reveals some quirky, weird things about the history of the FBI’s SIS.


1) Plane crash 1943 with loss of all 30+ passengers, SIS, with only one coffin returned of remains (fake?). Was the event a hoax, merely to give cover to the insertion of long-term operatives? If so, then there would be no records, so when the mandate of the SIS was revoked and SIS officially disbanded, handed over to C_A, did whatever networks built by these “dead”, “non-existent” operatives continue to exist and operate, unheeded, unknown?

2) “It is presumptive that Assistant Director Percy E. "Sam" Foxworth was the first chief of the SIS. He died in a plane crash on 15 January 1943 with agent Harold Dennis Haberfeld.

3) Extensive covert networks, well entrenched and trained, now completely free of official control. (not officially/properly documented by FBI, and then never revealed properly to C_A…) A perfect opportunity for the birth of rogue actors. Possessing all the machinery of the surveillance built up during the war years. All the contacts, all the means of self-financing, even of gaining control of criminal organizations and initiation of new ones, such as drug operations. The emergence of modern day drug running was during the 1950s, 60s.

4) It might explain the extraordinary success of the cartels in Columbia. It might even explain the strength of Mexican criminal orgs.

5) Of possible side note and digs: Nelson Rockefeller’s intimate involvement. From the beginning. (Oil. Venezuela. Hollywood, and social manipulation through mass media.)