Anything is possible. Lisa Page testified under oath that at the time Mueller was appointed, there was no evidence of Russia/Trump collusion. Therefore no legal basis for SC investigation if that was ALL he was looking into (Q points this out in several drops). If no legal basis, then no SC, period.
If no evidence of R/T collusion, Mueller could have done an exhaustive investigation in mere months, not TWO YEARS. Remember also that Q points out that the "second" scope document signed by RR that controls the SC investigation is read-at-terminal-only level classified–so the public and Congress have no idea what the rest of the investigation was going after.
Also, in his letter on Friday, Barr was very careful to say that given the findings in the report, it would be inappropriate to release it in serial fashion or in portions.
What's in the full report? We will find out. But it is going to be about much more than just Trump's activities. Bet on it.