Part of the Table of Contents for Dannielle Blumenthal's most recent book "Patriot: My Journey Through America's Undeclared Civil War".
We gon need a deeper dig y'all
Part of the Table of Contents for Dannielle Blumenthal's most recent book "Patriot: My Journey Through America's Undeclared Civil War".
We gon need a deeper dig y'all
Jump on AMAZON and read the introduction to her book "PATRIOT"
Last time I post this - not trying to drive sales but she may be RED PILLED.
Dat ass doe
From her twatter:
Dannielle Blumenthal PhD
11 Nov 2018
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58) In Libya it was at least partly about getting access to the oil.
(I am not related to Sid Blumenthal or the Senator)
MOAR digz on (not SID or Senator) Blumenthal
"The Book
Patriot: My Journey Through America’s Undeclared Civil War is a powerful memoir by Dr. Dannielle Blumenthal. A feminist committed to equality and humanitarianism, she was an unlikely Trump supporter, proclaiming her loyalty and support to Hillary Clinton for decades, even calling her “my favorite public servant.” But 2016 changed all that, as this front-line, Washington D.C.-based public servant saw her political idols collapse, one after the next."
WAZ she redpilled?
DIGGZZZ for (not Sid or Senator) Blumenthal:
She may be…."ONE OF US!!" Proceed with caution I suppose. Unless she wants to stop lurking and post up some shiz rite in chuh!
In many ways, Dr. Blumenthal is “everywoman.”
The alt-right market is a rising force in the American publishing industry, a market that major publishing houses are just starting to tap. With the dawn of 2019 and America’s deep polarization showing no signs of abating, a powerful new memoir speaks to that market. It takes us right into the heart of the division being sown across this country by political insiders.
Patriot: My Journey Through America’s Undeclared Civil War is a powerful memoir by Dr. Dannielle Blumenthal. A feminist committed to equality and humanitarianism, she was an unlikely Trump supporter, proclaiming her loyalty and support to Hillary Clinton for decades, even calling her “my favorite public servant.” But 2016 changed all that, as this front-line, Washington D.C.-based public servant saw her political idols collapse, one after the next.
By the late summer of 2016, this God-fearing, middle-aged wife and mother had joined the MAGA movement. She represents the heart and soul of a little-understood phenomenon that the mainstream loves to denigrate. This searing, unforgettable collection of essays documents her entry into the world of advocacy for victims of child sex trafficking, and against the corruption that has silently flooded our nation for so long.
In many ways, Dr. Blumenthal is “everywoman.” A dedicated wife and mother trying to balance home and family, she was raised in a traditional home and even wrote her first book on women’s love of soap operas. Her book sets out in a rational and methodical way the difficult emotional challenges that many Americans must deal with when coming face-to-face with evil. She takes the position of an ordinary citizen trying to make sense of the barrage of information, so much of it highly polarized and politicized, that flooded us in 2018.
Dr. Blumenthal is uniquely qualified to write this book; part memoir, part documentary, and part time capsule. Her first book, Women and Soap Opera (Greenwood, 1997) was a study of the ways that fictional emotional narratives engage the viewer in a community that endures cross-culturally and through many decades. The dramatic events of the past year certainly qualify as a soap opera, one with life and death implications not just for Americans but the entire world.
Dr. Blumenthal approaches this project with all facets of her being. She brings her experience as a wife, a mother, a writer, a marketer, and even as a civil servant. Her unique ability to connect with others has enabled her to join a community of survivors, activists, journalists, intelligence officers, members of the military, and others—many of them anonymous—who are deeply concerned about the future of our country and who are aware that “fake news” can crash entire governments.
In this book, we get a glimpse from the inside into a range of topics that most media cover superficially and incorrectly, if at all. No topic is too strange, sensitive or off-limits, from the bizarre to the inexplicable: The book talks about everything from the firing of Roseanne Barr, “QAnon,” the Kavanaugh affair, to the mysterious disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, and so much more.
To write the book, Dr. Blumenthal revisited a year of constant reporting “from the edge,” with posts and Twitter threads adapted from their initial as-it-happened state.
Dr. Blumenthal (@drdannielle) has built a substantial community online, with millions of views to her Tweets during the Kavanaugh testimony alone. Her readers rely on her calm, logical, but emotionally wrenching style, and they trust her as a God-fearing Patriot. Though our trust in public figures has been shattered, writers like her are helping to rebuild hope as evildoers are brought to justice, most likely the dominant theme of 2019.
Dr. Blumenthal is a supporter of President Donald J. Trump, but this is not a book about him. It is a letter from within a nationwide movement, which has grown to encompass the world, to restore our most fundamental Judeo-Christian values.
This is a book for everyone, but it is especially by and about women. Dr. Blumenthal has been quietly approached by women who care, women who know that something is wrong, women who seek justice and compassion for the victims.
The reader who picks up this book will understand how this ordinary citizen came to be a Patriot.
She got SWOL!
fukkin SAVED!
FLICKR for (not Sid or Senator) Blumenthal
She's here - check out the RGB album just posted
Nice juggs
Two pics snapped seconds apart
That's possible.