different photo / cropped? from instagram
(repost per baker request)
>>5996251 (lb)
normal? she looks in pain to me. Also weird that no other person posted an image of her there.
different photo than from her IG account.
oops posted the wrong IG one in this bread, miscopied from last bread.
hopefully it works now 1080x1080
ah, maybe, see the twitter one for reference
she has a blogger account in her name (whether that's really her or not i have no idea) that seems to be pro Q/Trump … weird.
so it would seem
i looked at the exif data for both and they were scrubbed clean and a reverse image search brought up nothing except her images.
he does have it on his website
only significant info from exif
Exif Byte Order : Little-endian (Intel, II)
Software : Google
She would prefer you call her Jane Denver now you insensitive Clod kek
my thoughts originally in the same vein, couldn't find much with reverse image searches.
if they did nothing was made public, though you'd imagine Q team could probably ferret it out.
maybe but what are the odds that she would magically be in a position to get a photo with RBG?