They're just trying to show the baby in shadow, so it looks darker. Must have been an problem with the printer ink.
Look into melt glass beads found on the moon, Mars and Earth (so far). I've followed EU and Plasma Universe theories for about 5 years now, recently the theory of cyclical Micro-Novas has gained traction, I think it explains a lot of missing pieces. A solar eruption of this magnitude would throw the solar system into chaos, leading to many different catastrophes like Biblical flooding, Fire and brimstone, continental shelves buckling and forming mountains in a single day, electro-magnetic storms that pulverize and evaporate rock, sending molten hot super-sonic winds scalding the land.
Check out these two playlists for more sauce:
Try finding a French public radio podcast, throw that on while your doing the dishes and it's amazing how much you can understand/remember after 30 minutes of just listening. I listen to German public radio podcasts every week to stay in practice.