Anonymous ID: 4e8a30 March 31, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.5997654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5995332 (PB)

Should be landing in NZ any minute now.

>>5995168 (PB)

Damage control engines: engaged.

The first casualty in any war is truth.



Short answer: No. It's never been anything more than a courtesy but I think she burned that bridge during the Kavanaugh hearings. More than that, Trump needs to move that court to the right … it's so far left now it can barely stand upright.

>>5994975 (PB)

Good idea. 40 years too late.

>>5994981 (PB)

READ the First Amendment and get back to us mmmm'kay?

>>5995410 (PB)

Nah, I was chosen for my small appliances.

That's what my wife said she liked about me. The most recent addition is an immersion blender.

>>5995378 (PB)

Why is that a white-power symbol when we do it and not one when they do it?