This fucking clown just can't let it go.
Spends almost 3 days complaining about Q and how it's anti-semitic, then starts right back up again attacking Q.
This fucking clown just can't let it go.
Spends almost 3 days complaining about Q and how it's anti-semitic, then starts right back up again attacking Q.
How many of you will still be here in 2020 if nothing has happened, no arrests, no major indictments, no house cleaning, etc
would like to know her views on the 2A before I endorse her
It's good that you have your own personal opinions on matters and most importantly, that you think for yourself. That is the true mark of a Patriot.
>So what bills are they going to pass that erode your rights, this week.
Currently the hot topic in Washington with unanimous bipartisan support are Red Flag gun laws
oh and AG Barr supports them as well. What a joy. So much winning.
Are you serious? More than half of them of are beholden to AIPAC.
whats her view on the 2A?