Anonymous ID: da936e March 31, 2019, 6 p.m. No.5997675   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7684

How to Trap Wild Animals


Put out food. Get them used to eating well without having to hunt/work for it. They get fat and lazy.


After a week, put up one small part of a fence/cage. They become inured to it, ignore it and keep feasting.


Add second component, wait another week and add a third wall and repeat until the animals are used to eating inside a cage. Last day, shut the door. They won’t even look up from the trough.


D’s and MSM fell into a similar trap; it took two-and-a-half years.


The door was sprung via Barr’s 4-page “mini report” and they all went ballistic!


“We demand the FULL report!" "Barr is biased!" "Complete transparency!" are the cries of the socialist/libtards running for the next Presidency and echoed by the MSM.


Now, Barr releases the report. Total nothing burger.


However, this is where we use their own demands against them.


Barr counters with, "Since you have–rightfully so–demanded FULL TRANSPARENCY, and I agree, I will also release the FISA warrant that was used to launch the entire illegal SC investigation."


"Oh, while I'm at it, H & H discovered some tampered with 302's, and we have the DNC's server, and Weiner's laptop, and…"


The only thing more fun than winning a chess match is to allow the opponent to purposely put your king in check and then counter with one stealth move that puts their king in checkmate!


Beer at the Parade, frens!