Don't know if already posts, but do know everyone should read this
They Want the Keys to the Kingdom! Unmasking #ObamaInWhiteFace @PeteButtigieg, with the help of #SorosRentBoy @FranklinLeonard!
If you were in “Cabal Command” and you were trying to plan against QAnon and Team Trump, what would you do?
You’d prepare for all eventualities – including every single major Democratic candidate getting arrested and charged with Treason before being tried, convicted, and executed or imprisoned for life.
So, if you were evil “Cabal Command,” trying to ensure your people stayed in power, what would you do?
Why, you’d do everything you could to make sure one of your guys won in the future.
Maybe not this go-round,.
Maybe not even in 2024…
But at some point in the future, you’d want to be ready to pounce once the “pendulum” swung back your way.
And if all these crimes, all this evil was about to be exposed on the world stage… what would you do?
You’d run a guy so “squeaky-clean” (yet who still possesses all the “right” ideas and loyalties), so well-spoken, so “well-educated,” with enough “Patriot-points” to cash in… So that even if you did encounter a complete and utter “nuclear disaster scenario” where everyone you’ve built up, invested in, and worked with over the years was decimated, you’d still have one card left to play; someone on hand who could sneak in, convince enough folks “from the middle” to vote for him, and then, like Obama, once in power, install all manner of Cabal lackeys and begin progressively subverting every institution, much like how Obama installed all manner of Muslim Brotherhood operatives in every level of government, as revealed by Wikileaks.
This is why I call Pete Buttigieg #ObamaInWhiteface. Much like the “hope and change” nonsense peddled by then-Senator Obama, he’s a Manchurian candidate peddling meaningless platitudes to cover up the fact that all he’s really advocating are the failed authoritarian policies so common to those who suffer from Utopian Marxist delusions. He’s someone who has been groomed by the Deep State from a very young age, and despite all efforts to conjure up an appearance to the contrary, he would be absolutely devastating to our way of life.
But now, we’ve got years of experience and knowledge on our side. We’ve survived the onslaught of The Cabal, and we’re fighting back with intel and networks of our own to make sure these lying cowards never slither their way back into the halls of power, where they would destroy everything we cherish and hold dear.